Monday, June 28, 2010

She Speaks!

I'm in! 

A little while ago, my friend Kate introduced me to Proverbs 31 Ministries, and their annual She Speaks conference.  It is a gathering of ministry-minded women who seek to proclaim the Lord's message either in the spoken word, the written word, or through women's ministry leadership and is based upon Proverbs 31:26...
"She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
Well, the short of the story is that I waited too long to register, found the conference 'sold out' and then woke up this weekend to an email telling me that I had received an invitation to fill one of the few remaining spots that 'opened up'.  Praise God!  I am excited just thinking about the possibilities waiting in Concord, NC.  But mostly, I am eagerly anticipating a weekend-long, uninterrupted meeting with my God. 

Thank you, Kate, for sharing the good news with me. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oooohh...Let me know how it is! Becky has been telling me about this conference but I don't feel like it is my time. I will be praying that you have a divine, joyous time with God where He fills you with His instruction and guidance! love you, STacy


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